What Can I Give My Dog For Constipation?

Authored byVeronic Fournier


Having a dog, as you probably know, involves great responsibilities.


As a faithful companion, you must ensure the well-being of your pet, without forgetting the well-being of its rear-end!


You are no doubt familiar with your dog's intestinal habits. You are therefore best placed to monitor the health of your dog's colon, noting the frequency of their toilet needs (amongst other things).


I know it’s not always fun to talk about bottoms, but it’s worth telling you what you can do if your dog seems to be constipated.


Despite what is believed, constipation can become a serious problem if it persists. During my career, I looked after a small kitten with very poor health that was suffering from severe constipation. Unfortunately, this kitten died when its condition worsened.


Read this to learn how to recognize the signs and causes of constipation. What can I give to a constipated dog, you ask? Avoid smelly complications by using simple natural home remedies to relieve your dog from constipation.



Why is your dog constipated?


There are several causes of constipation in dogs. It can be caused by an inadequate diet (reduced water consumption, change in diet...), other health conditions (such as cancer, anxiety and more), or by external factors. Read on for the details.


Constipation caused by an inadequate diet


Reduced water consumption

If your dog drinks less water, the stools that form will be drier and harder and will be more likely to become blocked.


    Change in diet

    An imbalance can affect the health of the digestive tract. In fact, recent dietary changes can cause constipation in dogs. For example, if you feed your dog a lot of table food, it could upset the digestive system.


      Also, if your dog consumes too much or too little fiber, it could develop constipation.


      Ingestion of indigestible material

      Your dog can become constipated if it is the type to eat everything! Hair, bones, grass, etc. can clog your dog's intestines.


        Consult a vet if you suspect that your dog has ingested a foreign object.


        Constipation caused by other health conditions



        What’s important to remember is that these conditions cause your dog to hold back from going to the toilet. If your dog is anxious to go outside, has pain around the anal glands or even back pain, they will hold on for longer and this will cause constipation.


        This is why constipation should not be taken lightly, because often it does not come alone.


        Constipation caused by external factors


        Similarly, if your dog has to hold on and can’t relieve itself during long days while you are away, it is more likely to develop constipation.



        How do I know if my dog ​​is constipated?


        The frequency of bowel movements, the consistency of stools and the dog’s behavior during evacuation will give you good clues as to whether your dog is actually constipated.


        Read the next section for all the signs of constipation in dogs.


        Symptoms of constipation in dogs


        The lack of a bowel movement or a small amount of dry, hard stools is a good sign that your dog is constipated. Here is a detailed list of dog constipation symptoms:


        • Absence of stools
        • Small amount of dry and hard stools
        • Difficulty passing stools, straining
        • Crying or whimpering while trying to defecate
        • Constantly repositioning when going to the toilet
        • Dragging their bottom along the ground
        • Licking their rear-end


        You may notice that your dog passes a small amount of watery stools when constipated, which can often be confused with diarrhea.


        In cases of severe constipation, your dog's general condition may be affected. If your dog is constipated for a few days, there may be a large accumulation of stools in the intestines which creates a major discomfort that needs to be treated.


        If your dog has the following signs, it is all the more important to consult a vet:


        • Lethargy
        • Loss of appetite
        • Vomiting



        How long can your dog go without pooping?


        Your dog can go a day or two without having a bowel movement before it’s considered severe constipation.


        Normally, due to its anatomy, a dog will have the reflex to have a bowel movement after eating.


        The frequency of your dog's stool varies depending on its diet and its consumption of water and fiber.


        If all is well, your dog should have one to three bowel movements a day.



        How do I naturally treat my dog’s constipation?


        You can treat your dog's constipation by using natural home remedies such as coconut oil, mineral oil and even pumpkin. Zumalka has also concocted a product to simplify your life.


        What natural home remedies can I use for my dog's constipation?


        Are you looking for a dog constipation home remedy? Here is what you can give to your dog constipation : mineral oil, coconut oil, lots of water, canned food and pumpkin. I'll explain you a bit about each.


        Mineral oil

        Adding a little mineral oil to your dog's food can help with mild constipation. Be careful never to administer it directly into the mouth, as your dog could inhale it and develop pneumonia.

          The recommended dosage is one teaspoon per 11 pounds (5 kilograms) of body weight.


          Coconut oil

          Follow the same principle with coconut oil for dog constipation, which you may already have in your pantry!


          Lots of water

          Stimulating your dog's water intake will help relieve them of their constipation. This will keep your pooch hydrated, improve their bowel movements and help soften their stools.


          Canned food

          In the same vein, canned food provides an additional water supply.



          Pumpkin contains a lot of soluble fiber. The metabolism of its fibers facilitates movement in the intestines by creating mucus. These fibers absorb a certain amount of water to act, so it’s all the more important to keep your dog well hydrated if they are eating more fiber. Use moderately.


          Milk to relieve constipation in dogs?


          Giving milk to a dog to relieve constipation is a bad idea, as many are intolerant to milk as adults. So never give milk for dog constipation as a home remedy.


          Are there other natural options for dog constipation?


          Zumalka suggests the LAXAPET natural product to support your dog who's suffering from constipation.
          This product is intended to support animals intestinal health with mild and occasional constipation. It acts to regulate and promote intestinal movements.
          It will help your pet regain abdominal comfort. This can be useful in cases of dogs with flatulences.



          What if none of this works?


          In severe cases of constipation, or even obstruction of the intestines, your vet will likely want to do an x-ray or abdominal ultrasound to assess your dog's condition.


          Some animals will need an "enema" to help them pass a stool. An enema is a mixture of lubricant and fluid that is delivered through the anus via a urinary catheter. Sometimes several "enemas" are necessary before the animal passes the stool.


          In more serious cases, intravenous fluids may also be recommended.


          It is always wise to consult a vet when in doubt. Follow your instincts.



          Constipation is a fairly common evil in dogs and is usually resolved fairly easily and quickly. On the other hand, some rarer cases develop complications and that is why it is good to act at the first signs with our suggestions of natural products.


          Investigate the causes of your dog's constipation in order to avoid recurrences and to keep your pet's bottom comfortable throughout their life.




          About the author

          Veronic Fournier
          Veronic Fournier


          Véronique Fournier shares her extensive pet health know-how on Zumalka through her articles.

          Véronique’s background as an animal wellness advocate began in Cégep La Pocatière in Quebec, which led to comprehensive internships and training with respect to the breeding, rehabilitation, and monitoring of various types of animals. The institutions she has worked with include the Quebec Aquarium and the SOS Miss Dolittle shelter, just to name a few.

          Her immersion with various veterinary clinics in British Columbia and other places has made Veronique not just knowledgeable, but also quite perceptive in zeroing in on the right strategy to help keep pets in the best of health.

          And can we get you in on a secret? Veronique shares that she has already made a lot of canine pals due to her stint as a foster mom in several shelters. Isn’t that cool?

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