18 comments Sep 4, 2019byVeronic Fournier


Parakeets, budgies, or also called budgerigars, are small colorful birds. This small member of the parrot family makes a great companion for any pet parent beginner that would like to adopt a bird. They are easy to tame and probably the easiest pet bird to care for. 

If you own a parakeet, or if you are thinking about adopting one, this article will answer a few questions you may have. I will also help you with a few basics on budgie ownership.

These birds are native from Australia and live in colonies in the wild. This is why it’s a good idea to keep them in pairs or small groups when in captivity. Make sure you keep only females or males together if you don’t want to end up with your own colony!

To differentiate male and female, look at their cere, right above their beak. A male will most likely have a bright royal blue cere and the female’s will be white, pale blue or pink. 




How long do parakeets live? That’s a good question to ask yourself before committing to adopt one. They are fragile little creatures, but as a member of the parrot family, they can live for a surprisingly long time.



Wild budgerigars have a lifespan of around 5 years. In captivity, they have access to a better diet, a safer environment and veterinary care. They also don’t have any predators (unless you have a cat at home…).  All this, along with other factors such as genetics and exercise, can significantly increase their lifespan. 

An average lifespan of 6 to 12 years is reported when parakeets are kept in captivity as pets. Although, with excellent care, budgies can possibly live up to 20 years!




Adding a parakeet to your family will definitely brighten your day to day life. They greet you with the most beautiful songs and can produce sounds that you would have never even imagined they could do.


Have you ever wondered what those budgie sounds mean?

Parakeet songs :


It’s always a good sign to hear your budgie singing, it means he’s probably healthy and happy. They pick up most of their sounds and melodies from their environment and even from human speech. They will mimic the telephone ringtone, television, music, birds outside, other pets, etc. They are also very imaginative and creative in the melodies they produce. 

I have rescued a male budgie myself, named Albert, two years ago. I noticed he likes to sing the same melody over and over again. I don’t know where he picked it up from, but I’m guessing he most likely invented it. 

Parakeet screams : 


If your budgie sounds like he’s screaming, he’s probably expressing fear, discomfort, or grumpiness. 

For example, Albert will scream if you try to interact with him passed 8 o’clock at night. Obviously he prefers to be quiet and alone after that time. He will also scream if his bowl of food is empty during the day. Junior, the Hyacinth Macaw I worked with, would scream when no one is looking at him (and I mean produce the loudest sound you have ever heard). He loves to be the center of attention.

Parakeets and parrots in general have very different bubbly personalities and you will learn with time what various sounds mean for your own bird. 


Can parakeets talk? 

Some males can. It needs a LOT of patience and it may never happen, but some males have been reported to have the ability to learn a few words. Parakeets are not famous for their talking skills. African grey parrots probably are. 

Albert is definitely not one of those special budgies who can talk! If you want the best chances to make your parakeet talk, start repeating easy words such as “Hello”, at a young age, a few times daily, and give it time.

One thing that I have been noticing my Albert does, is beak grinding. I noticed the same behaviour from a Hyacinth Macaw I used to work with at the Aquarium Du Québec. They do this very particular sound to express their contentment, in the same way a cat would purr. 




How to take care of a parakeet: 

Nails :


Some people may be tempted to use sand-covered perches to help control nail growth, but they can be harmful to the skin. A parakeet that has a good diet shouldn’t need to get his nails done too often. 

    If the nails grow too long, they need to be clipped regularly so they don’t get curly and uncomfortable. Nails that are kept too long can cause damage to the feet.

    When you start, I recommend to get a helper to hold your bird while you clip. It will be much easier for you as it is a delicate operation due to the size of their toes. 

    Carefully hold the budgie in a clean cloth and make sure his wings are tucked in by his sides (not to tight, they need to move their thorax to be able to breathe). You have to be relatively fast with the clipping; they can overheat rapidly.

    Holding one toe at a time, use a nail clipper to trim the nails one by one. You will notice a vein that grows inside the claw called the quick (you can usually see this with light colored nails, as the nail is white and the quick is pink), be careful not to cut it. If your bird’s nails are dark, use extra care and trim just a little at a time.


    Wings :


    To trim or not to trim… There are pros and cons to both.  A budgie that has its wings clipped will still be able to glide, but not to fly. Some will say it’s easier to tame a bird that has its wings clipped. A lot of people think it’s much safer too, as the bird cannot really escape and fly away out of the house. 

      Personally, Albert is scared to even get out of his cage, and to be restrained is the end of the world for him, so I decided not to trim his wings. He has a big cage, big enough so he can fly into it and I think he’s happy that way.

      Depending on your bird’s lifestyle and personality, you’ll be able to decide what the best option is for your budgie. 


      Food :


      We could talk about diet for a very long time. A balanced diet is the greatest gift you can give to your parakeet. Don’t feed him only seeds! I know it’s tempting, they LOVE it, but seeds should only constitute about 50% of their meals. The other 50% should be pellets. A bird who doesn’t eat pellets is at risk for deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. 

        It’s important to include fruits and vegetables in your bird’s daily diet as well. Personally, I find they make the best treats! You’ll need to try different things to know what your bird likes the most. I discovered after trying a bunch of things that Albert loves spinach! 

        You can try different healthy table food too, such as noodles or cooked eggs.

        They also need daily access to fresh water, but that’s pretty obvious!


        Cage :


        One important thing I didn’t know before studying in the field, is that birds have very specific needs regarding housing. They need different sizes of perches, with various textures, so their feet don’t always feel the same pressure points. This will also help to control nail growth. 

          One thing that is also good to have in your parakeet’s cage is a bath. They love to play in the water. Albert personally ignored his, but I discovered that he loves being vaporized, so I give him regular showers instead of a bath. 

          You need to provide your bird with stimulation, things to do during the day. They can get bored easily and can start plucking their feathers if under-stimulated.

          Parrots love to destroy things. Offer your parakeet bird-safe toys made out of ropes, cardboard or paper for him to shred. You can create your own cheap bird toys by using non-toxic materials. Just make sure your bird doesn’t develop the bad habit of eating his toys. 

          Here’s one last tip about your bird’s house. Add a mineral block or cuttlebone in there somewhere. Your budgie will love to chew on this good source of calcium.


          Health issues :

          To conclude this section on parakeet care, if you should notice any symptoms or health issues pop up, our products are also useful for parakeets and any other types of birds you have at home!

          Feel free to contact us directly for any specific inquiries about your budgie’s health care. 

          Budgies are probably the easiest pet birds to care for, but that doesn’t mean they are not a lot of work. Birds in general requires a lot of specific care with their diet, housing, healthcare, etc. They have sparkling personalities and will bring a lot of joy into any household. 


          Here is a little bit of Albert, to brighten up your day!

          budgies and parakeet




          About the author

          Veronic Fournier
          Veronic Fournier


          Véronique Fournier shares her extensive pet health know-how on Zumalka through her articles.

          Véronique’s background as an animal wellness advocate began in Cégep La Pocatière in Quebec, which led to comprehensive internships and training with respect to the breeding, rehabilitation, and monitoring of various types of animals. The institutions she has worked with include the Quebec Aquarium and the SOS Miss Dolittle shelter, just to name a few.

          Her immersion with various veterinary clinics in British Columbia and other places has made Veronique not just knowledgeable, but also quite perceptive in zeroing in on the right strategy to help keep pets in the best of health.

          And can we get you in on a secret? Veronique shares that she has already made a lot of canine pals due to her stint as a foster mom in several shelters. Isn’t that cool?


          • HOMEOANIMAL April 27, 2020 at 10:56 am

            Hi Rex,

            Thank you for your comment and excellent question.

            We are actually a website that offers homeopathic remedies for pet (this blog article is for informational purposes written by a specialist but is not part of our Homeoanimal staff), so would love to give you tips, but since it is not our field of expertise, we would not want to give you any bad advice :)

            We hope you find what you are looking for.


          • Rex April 27, 2020 at 10:56 am

            What is the best option to take care of a parakeet when a week long family trip is planned?

          • HOMEOANIMAL April 13, 2020 at 3:01 pm

            Hi Stacee,

            Thank you for your post and I’m so truly sorry to hear about your poor baby bird! I know how difficult it is to see them pass. But for more details on what can help you and any new birds or other pets you may welcome into your home and family, we have sent you a private email. Please be sure to have a look at it and let us know if you need any further assistance.

            Warm regards,

          • Stacee Kalmanovsky April 13, 2020 at 3:01 pm

            We recently added a parakeet to our family and only after three weeks our bubbly cute little bird was found at the bottom of his cage lifeless. So tragic and we just don’t know what we did wrong. He seemed so bubbly and fine the evening before. I am left thinking it was possibly something he might have eaten off the floor of my teen sons room, or some fumes from cooking that wafted up, but we just don’t know.

            We’d like to try again but any advice to make sure we don’t repeat (our?) mistakes would be super appreciated. Thank you so much in advance- Stacee

          • HOMEOANIMAL March 31, 2020 at 10:17 am

            Hi MaryAnne Kallen,

            Thank you for your post!! We have sent you a private email to help you with your bird in a more personalized way. We hope to help you resolve this issue soon!


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