Denise Lessard
Authored by Denyse Lessard
Denyse is an in Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy, and the formulator behind most of Zumalka's natural health products for pets.

I was at a friend’s house one day and he told me something that took me by complete surprise. His cat had been vomiting for the past two days and he wasn’t worried one bit! And notwithstanding the fact that one of the obvious signs of a sick cat is already very apparent, too.

“Cats always land on their feet,” he said. “She’ll be fine.” My friend seemed to be talking in figurative terms because landing on her feet clearly had nothing to do with the cause of her vomiting. But nonetheless, his statement was blatantly false.

And while we’re on the subject of misconceptions, I'd just like to address one very popular but unfounded myth about cats: they only have ONE life and not nine! And if you notice that your cat is hiding illness—and there will be subtle signs that your pet will exhibit—chances are he's going through a health issue and needs proper attention immediately.

It is crucial to remember that prevention is better than cure when it comes to having a healthy cat. This also applies to other pets that you may have at home. Many owners of felines seem to overlook the fact that while cats are highly independent, they will still need close monitoring with respect to signs of illness.

Now let's go over the dangers that could put your cat's health (and life) at risk...


Common Dangers That Could Lead to Your Cat's Final Days

cat trying to eat flowers from vase

1. Vomiting and Diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea are two cat health problems that you shouldn't ever ignore. If you notice that these are already becoming extreme, you will need to contact a veterinarian immediately!

See, vomiting and diarrhea are two of the most common symptoms of underlying problems that could kill or seriously injure your pet. The list includes intestinal tract obstruction and kidney disease, among others.

While we recognize the importance of veterinary medicine in dealing with vomiting and diarrhea, having the right natural remedies in your home pet care checklist can also help a lot, especially during times of emergency.


2. Poisonous plants can potentially lead to a dying cat

Did you know that something as common as a houseplant can kill your kitty, particularly very young kittens and senior cats? If you’re thinking you’re in the clear because you keep these poisonous plants out of the house and well away from your cat, then you’re wrong.

Examples of these poisonous plants are poinsettias, tulips, oleanders, rhododendrons, hyacinths, azaleas, kalanchoes and lilies. The effects of these plants range from causing a skin irritation to severe pain in the abdomen and breathing problems. Some of these plants can even disrupt or weaken your cat's heart rhythm!

If you think your cat has been eating poisonous plants, either in your home or in the neighbor’s yard, head to the veterinarian straight away to flush the toxins out of your cat’s system.


3. Car Accident

Although this may not be considered as a "health problem" per se, figuring in a car accident can be one of the reasons why your cat is dying. Sure you may think your pet is immune, but nearly 5.4 million felines of all cat ages are killed on U.S. roads each year.

The best way to avoid this is to prevent your cat from having an easy access outside your home. Many cats tend to escape because doors or windows are left unlocked. Keeping stray animals and other cats from enticing your pet from escaping should also be on your checklist.

Some local laws even explicitly prohibit cats from straying. And in the event that your pet does get hit by a car or some other vehicle, make your cat comfortable as can be, address any problems that can quickly be remedied and get to the vet right away.


What are the Symptoms of a Sick Cat?

Veterinarian with cute cat in clinic

If we're being honest, determining if your cat is feeling ill can be rather tricky. This is because cats are very good in concealing signs of illness and even pain. However, you should take note of the following signs since they can give you an idea if your pet is going through a health issue:


Unexpected physical changes in cats

If you observe that your cat is limping, pawing at his head or scratching his ears, chances are he is experiencing some form of illness. Nicks, cuts, lesions and similar injuries should be checked and monitored, too. Even the sudden protrusion of the third eyelid in cats must also be noted.


Your cat has bad breath

Your cat's breath is a good indicator of sickness. Bad breath in cats can mean dental disease, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease, among others. This is often associated with sudden weight loss. Make sure you also take note if there is an abnormal breathing pattern. Severe breathing problems can also mean that a cat is dying.


Sudden dietary changes in cats

Sick cats often stop eating all of a sudden or load up on more food without reason even without the help of appetite stimulants. Besides noticing weight changes, you also observe your cat in constant lethargy although they've eaten properly.

Increased thirst or sudden disinterest in fresh water even if you're constantly refilling his water dish are also signs that your cat may be sick. An immediate trip to the vet is also in order if you notice extreme weight loss.


Your cat has a fluctuating body temperature

A healthy cat's temperature ranges between 100.5°F and 102.5°F. You can use a digital rectal thermometer to accurately determine this. One of the physical signs that your may have a higher or lower body temperature than normal is your cat's breathing.

Constant rapid breathing is one of the signs of illness in cats. Moreover, feeling a notable difference between your cat's body and his warm bed can also be an indicator of sickness.


Abrupt changes in bathroom routine in cats

If you notice your pet making a trip to the litter box more often than usual, it's one of the signs that your cat is going through an illness. Subtle changes in the amount of frequency of urination and defecation should also be noted. Diabetes mellitus could also make your cat change his stance on his hind legs.


A Few Tips to Keep Your Cat Healthy and Happy

grey white little British cat with orange eyes close-up

As a pet parent myself, I know how challenging having a cat can be. But I've got some simple and practical recommendations you should keep in mind to ensure that your cat will be as happy and healthy as can be:


Spend time with your cat.

Having a regular bonding time with your cat doesn't just help you in the early detection of pain and sickness, but also provide the right care and attention as soon as it's needed. Even cuddling with your cat on a cozy bed for a few minutes each day already helps a lot.


Ensure your cat has proper nutrition.

Cats require the right nutrition to grow and develop properly. It also helps pets keep clear from diseases like diabetes. The right diet plays a key role in helping your cat avoid obesity, too. Additionally, a neglected diet in felines can result to health problems that will need hospice care in the long run!


A regular exercise regimen is key.

One really interesting thing about cats is that while it may not look like it, exercise is vital in their daily lives. Pets like cats need a regular workout not just to stay fit (the heart weakens if the body is constantly sedentary), but also to prevent sudden body pain and anxiety.

Cats can be also prone to becoming aggressive if they don't have a proper outlet for stress. Sadly, some cats under hospice care have experienced severe mental trauma and anxiety issues.


Is Your Cat's Litter Box Properly Cleaned and Maintained?

cat litter in plastic tray with shovel

Although a neglected litter box will not immediately result to a dying cat, cleaning and maintaining it daily can help prevent a lot of health problems in animals. These include bladder stones, urinary tract infection and feline interstitial cystitis, which is a kind of inflammation.


How to Handle an Emergency

Gray cat kitten looking at camera

Like I pointed out earlier, prevention is better than seeing that your cat is dying. Prevention is much more feasible than resorting to hospice care, too! We know how scary it can be to feel completely helpless when your cat is sick or injured due to an emergency.

That’s why we created a Natural Emergency Kit to address the most common emergency situations that your cat may come across. In cases where you can't immediately bring cats to the vet, our kit will really help a lot. This kit includes the following:


Zumalka Natural Emergency kit



A Premium Natural Support for Diarrhea

Our LOOSE STOOLS is designed to address the root cause of diarrhea and works to support good digestion and better intestinal health. Besides alleviating stomach aches and the inflamed anus caused by diarrhea, this premium natural support will also help your cat's body repair itself after this health problem is taken care of.


A premium natural support for vomiting

Our VOMIPET works as a a tool in cases of anxiety, fear or stress, which can be very rampant in any emergency situation. Alternatively, you can also use this premium natural product to keep your cat comfortable and calm during travel.


A premium natural support for any pet emergency

Our EMERGENCYPET is formulated to provide support and promote healing during an emergency, whether it’s caused by a car, fall or another animal. This product is also designed for bruises, muscle pain, inflammation, sprains, traumatic injury, redness and swelling, soreness and rheumatic pain.


A premium natural support to promote increased oxygen circulation

Our TONICPET #4 is excellent for first aid situations. You want to quickly react in cases of sprains, strains, fractures and bruises. It can be also used as an anti-inflammatory when the situation calls for it.


A premium natural support for balanced hydration

Our TONICPET #9 helps balance fluids in your cat’s body. It is used for water distribution problems such as excessive dryness or water retention that can have a significant effect on the quality of life of pets. It can also help maintain ideal levels of red blood cells.


Check Out What Pet Parents Are Saying About Our Emergency Kit

"She has been saved!"

I'm so happy to have found your homeopathic remedies for my little Yorkie who is now happy and healthy. A year and a half ago she had 15 days to 2 months left to live, and now thanks to your remedies she has really been saved!


"It seemed to have an immediate effect."

Part 1: My cat Buzzy had terrible anxiety and digestive problems for years, and nothing my vet suggested seemed to help at all. In desperation I ordered this "Vomipet" homeopathic remedy. It seemed to have an immediate effect - Buzzy has only vomited twice since we started this remedy several months ago. Prior to that he was vomiting every meal - I consider it a miraculous remedy for him!

Part 2: My 12 year-old dog who walked on 3 legs the morning following a sprain, was already walking with his 4 legs! Emergencypet: almost immediate improvement in the day.


"My injured cat's health is back on track again."

The Vet said my cat injured his patella or ACL. She wanted to let the swelling go down and do surgery. As a nurse and a huge advocate of homeopathy, did a little research. I was beyond thrilled to discover I could have a free consultation on the phone about my boy’s injury. Emergencypet was suggested.

The day after administrating the spray, I noticed improvement and every day since. It’s been a little over a month, Rocky boy is running and playing with a slight limp. He still overdoes it and needs to rest, but overall, I am thrilled. Homeopathy saved my cat surgery and me, added stress and expense.


A Final Word

Your pet will go through a few emergencies here and there at some point in your cat's life. Some cats can even experience multiple emergencies in just a short span of time! But the thing is a lot of people mistakenly think that a trip to the vet is already needed when their cat is sick.

Although I consider reaching out to a vet as an important recourse when it comes to the health and wellness of your cat, it is also important to take note that there are natural remedies that you can go for when emergencies pop out of nowhere, just like our EMERGENCY KIT.

This is because there will be times when you can't go to the vet immediately or your cat needs the proper care and attention straight away. Bringing your cat to the vet can be quite costly at times, too, especially when technical procedures are required.

Just to be very safe, make sure you consider getting our EMERGENCY KIT so you can already give your cat the necessary first aid in case you can't go to the vet yet.


About the author

Denise Lessard
Denise Lessard


Denyse Lessard is deemed as the “mother” of Zumalka, which was established more than ten years ago to provide easily accessible natural products for pet wellness worldwide.

Besides being a trained alternative medicine therapist, Denyse also has expertise in homeopathy, naturopathy and iridology, reflexology, as well as Chinese medicine. She is a long-standing member of the Professional Union of Homeopaths of Quebec, as well as the Association of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Quebec.

Denyse’s philosophy as regards pet wellness is not just about only dealing with disease and illness when they get in the picture, but keeping animals in ideal health each and every day.

Find out more about Denyse when you click HERE.

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