Brain Tumor in Cats | 10 Natural Remedies You Should Know

Suzie Cyrenne
Authored by Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie is a Certified Homeopath and Co-Founder of Zumalka
, specializing in natural and holistic remedies for pets.


When you’re a cat parent, one of the hardest things you can ever go through is learning that your pet is being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Besides the thought of your kitty being prone to extreme amounts of pain and discomfort, there is also the possibility that the effects of this health issue may be fatal.

But the thing is a lot of people overlook the fact that there are actually natural remedies for brain tumors in cats, which I will walk you through in just a little bit. And make sure you read this all the way through because I also have a nice bonus that I’m sure you will appreciate.

How about we start things off by understanding what a cat brain tumor is?


What is a Cat Brain Tumor?

A cat brain tumor can be basically described as a group of cells that somehow grew and developed abnormally. Contrary to popular belief, brain tumor in cats is not a disease in itself.

You see, cat brain tumors can either be benign—meaning it will not spread to other tissues—or malignant, which can potentially become cancerous sooner or later. Moreover, a cat brain tumor can also be primary or secondary.

A primary cat brain tumor is one that has originated within the brain itself, while a secondary cat brain tumor started out elsewhere in the cat’s body, usually resulting from the spread of an already existing cancer.

Now we’ve cleared that one up, let’s touch on the possible factors that can set off brain tumor in cats…


What Causes Brain Tumor in Cats?

What’s really interesting is that there is still no specific cause that can be pinpointed when it comes to cat brain tumors. However, there are five potential factors that are looked into, namely diet, trauma, genetics, viral infection and environment.

It is speculated that each of these factors may bring about unforeseen alterations inside a cat’s body that may result in the abnormal growth and development of cells, ultimately leading to brain tumor.

(You can learn more about these potential risk factors when you click here.)

Next, let’s discuss the things that usually happen when a cat has a brain tumor…


What Happens When a Cat has a Brain Tumor?

The following are the common symptoms that a cat is suffering from a brain tumor:

  • Balance issues that seem to become worse every day
  • Noticeable weakness of the limbs
  • Difficulty in avoiding obstacles such as furniture
  • Sudden bouts of seizures
  • Unusual head tilting
  • Excessive circling and pacing
  • Unnecessary and often loud vocalizations

Now that we already know what the indicators of cat brain tumor are, let’s determine how long it takes for these indicators to become noticeable…


How long does it take for Symptoms of a Brain Tumor to Show?

Here’s where things get a bit tricky…

If your kitty is anything like most cats, chances are he usually won’t manifest any signs of illness until it reaches the later or advanced stages. One of my most notable observations with cats as a pet homeopath is that these animals tend to isolate themselves whenever they’re feeling under the weather.

Additionally, cats don’t normally display signs that they’re in pain or going through discomfort compared to other pets. Next up, let’s discuss how long a cat can live with a brain tumor…


How Long can a Cat Live with a Brain Tumor?

If we’re being honest, it generally depends on what type of brain tumor a cat has, particularly primary or secondary.

A cat suffering from a primary brain tumor can live for as much 3 to 5 years because this condition isn’t a carry-over from an existing cancer in a different part of his body. It’s a different story for a secondary cat brain tumor, though.

A cat suffering from a secondary brain tumor only tends to live for a few weeks or up to a couple of months. This drastic difference is due to the fact that there is an already existing cancer in a different part of a cat’s body and it has become so severe that it has already spread to other places.

So we’re already getting to the natural remedies for brain tumors in cats that I was telling you about earlier…


Natural Remedies for Brain Tumor in Cats

Unlike what a lot of people mistakenly believe, going for conventional medicines and treatment isn’t just your only option when it comes to supporting your cat during a brain tumor.

There are actually natural remedies that you can go for to help your feline family member overcome this health issue. Allow me to go over what these are in the next part of our discussion…


#1: Apples help prevent cancer risk.

According to a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), apples have been seen to help stave off cancer risk in various parts of the body, including the brain.

The researchers conclude that the regular consumption of apples is “associated with a reduced risk of cancer in different anatomical sites.” This helps inhibit the brain tumor from progressing into cancer in the long run.

When feeding your cat apples, though, make sure you don’t include any of the stems, leaves, seeds, as well as the core to prevent any tummy issues.


#2: Broccoli helps suppress tumors.

The Harvard Gazette shares that a compound found in broccoli and similar cruciferous vegetables boosts the body’s ability to keep tumors at bay. This compound called “indole-3-carbinol or I3C” is observed to promote the ability and efficiency of the natural cancer-suppressing gene called “PTEN.”

The more amounts of I3C a cat’s body has, the more intense the activity of the PTEN will be. Simply integrating broccoli in your cat’s regular diet will already do the trick.


#3: Celery helps set off cancer cell death.

As revealed by the NCBI, celery is rich in a flavonoid called apigenin that is deemed as a natural cancer chemopreventive agent.

Apart from helping boost a cat’s body’s ability to stave off cancer, apigenin is also seen to have a role in causing cancer cell death or apoptosis. Just sprinkle a dash of celery into your feline family member’s meals and you’re good to go.


#4: Chamomile has both antioxidant and anticancer properties.

Another study published in the NCBI highlights that chamomile has very high amounts of flavonoid and phenolic content. These phenols and flavonoids not just help prevent cancer but also assist in its eradication as well.

The best way to harness chamomile’s benefits to support your cat during brain cancer is by steeping half a teaspoon of the same in a cup of hot water. Once the whole thing completely cools down, give it to your pet as a water substitute.


#5: Ginger helps stave off cancer progression.

Another NCBI scientific study stresses that ginger is both an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent. Besides helping deactivate inflammatory markers that can set off the progression of cancer, the active phenolic compounds in ginger also suppress the spread of abnormal cells.

Adding in a pinch of finely chopped ginger—about a third of your thumb’s size will do— with your cat’s meals is the most convenient approach you can go for. Just make sure you thoroughly mix it since ginger has a spicy kick when eaten straight.


#6: Green tea contains compounds that help prevent the formation of cancer.

As reported by the NCBI, polyphenols found in green tea have been observed to “inhibit carcinogenesis and malignant behavior in several diseases.” Moreover, laboratory-based evidence shows that these polyphenols are quite effective in demonstrating their anticancer effects in cases of breast, bladder, and brain cancer.

To use green tea as a support for cat brain tumor, steep half a teaspoon’s worth in a cup of hot water. Allow the mixture to cool down completely. Use this as a water substitute for your pet. You can also strain the mixture to do away with the stringy bits.


#7: Parsley helps stop cancer cells from developing and spreading.

In a different study highlighted by the NCBI, it was pointed out that extracts derived from parsley leaves and stems contain phenolic compounds that can inhibit the “proliferation and migration” of MCF‐7 cancer cells.

These phenols also have antioxidant properties, which not just help stave off oxidative damage, but maintain DNA robustness as well. One simple way of using parsley when supporting your cat during brain tumor is by boiling a few sprigs in a cup of water.

Allow this “parsley tea” to completely cool down and strain the whole thing. Add in a couple of teaspoons of the mixture to your cat’s water or food. Keep in mind not to give your cat more than three teaspoons of parsley tea per day.


#8: Saffron helps inhibit the formation of tumors.

Another scientific study shares that natural chemicals extracted from saffron have been seen to have inhibitory properties as regards tumor formation. The research also showed that these natural chemicals did not just have anti-tumor capabilities, but also cancer-preventing and protective effects.

A hassle-free way you can use saffron to support your cat when he is suffering from a brain tumor is by steeping a very small amount of this spice in a glass of hot water. Once the mixture cools down, you can add a couple teaspoons of it to your cat’s food or water.


#9: Strawberries help induce cancer cell death and prevent tumor progression.

According to a study published in the NCBI, the methanolic strawberry extract or MESB was seen to block the development and further spreading of tumor cells. One very remarkable result that the researchers observed is that this methanolic strawberry extract also induced cancer and tumor cell death.

A single medium-sized strawberry each day is already sufficient to support your cat during a brain tumor. Just make sure you remove the stems and leaves and wash the fruit thoroughly before serving.


#10: Turmeric disrupts the signaling pathways of tumor and cancer cells.

The NCBI reports that a polyphenol called curcumin found in turmeric is found to disrupt the signaling pathways of tumor and cancer cells, which prevents them from communicating with one another.

This throws tumor and cancer cells into confusion, which eventually results in their death. To use turmeric to support your cat during a brain tumor, you can either directly add this grated root to your pet’s meals or steep it in hot water to make it into a tea.

If you’re adding turmeric to your feline family member’s meals, make sure you integrate it thoroughly since it can be quite spicy when eaten straight.


#11: Fomitopsis betulina has antimicrobial, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.

As revealed by the NCBI, the Fomitopsis betulina mushroom was seen to help inhibit the growth and migration of tumor and cancer cells.

This is mainly attributed to the presence of very diverse biomolecules, natural sugars, and phenolic acids that have been proven by concrete scientific evidence to possess simultaneous antimicrobial, anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties.


A Premium Natural Product You Should Check Out

Speaking of Fomitopsis betulina, Zumalka’s PIPTOPET uses this wonder mushroom as its main ingredient. This natural product is formulated to boost your cat’s immune system health when a brain tumor unexpectedly gets in the picture.

Besides being packed with excellent properties that help strengthen overall immune response, PIPTOPET also features a gentle, holistic touch to deal with unhealthy cells without setting off any adverse side effects along the way.


A Quick Reminder

If you’re surprised that there are natural options to go for when it comes to supporting your cat during a brain tumor, then you’ll be very delighted to know that you can reach out to a pet homeopathy specialist who will help you make the most out of them.

You can simply contact us at any time to do so. Realizing the quality of life you’ve always wanted for your pet won’t be that tricky after all with a pet homeopathy specialist as your ally.


About the author

Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie Cyrenne


Suzie Cyrenne has dedicated more than 20 years of her life in making and improving natural animal health solutions in the global setting.

Being the co-founder of Zumalka, Suzie is a forerunner in enhancing the lives of pets through natural and homeopathic options using the knowledge she has gained from the Classical Homeopathy School in Quebec.

Through the guidance of her mother-in-law and fellow natural health expert, Denyse Lessard, Suzie constantly devotes herself to create premium pet products that are aimed at dealing with the root causes of wellness problems and not just their symptoms.

Besides immersing herself in books, personal development and visiting new places, Suzie also enjoys keeping herself in tiptop shape by snowboarding and taking daily hikes with her husband and Zumalka co-founder, Matt Lessard, and their Golden-Doodle, Westin.

Find out more about Suzie when you click HERE.

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