How to Help your Cat Fight Cancer Naturally
If you've just received the terrible news that your cat is fighting cancer, then this blog post is for you.
Besides getting you in on the causes of cancer in our feline pets, we will also go over their different types and symptoms.
We will also discuss how homeopathic remedies made from natural substances—inspired by the work of German physician Samuel Hahnemann—can be alternatives to conventional medical treatments.
Causes of Cancer and Tumors in Cats
A tumor is a mass formed by the uncontrolled multiplication of a certain type of cell.
It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of cancer in cats, however, certain risk factors are known, such as obesity, second-hand smoke, and some viruses.
Cancer takes place when a tumor is malignant. It grows quickly, tends to migrate through the bloodstream (metastases), and is at risk of cancer recurrence.
Cats can develop benign tumors, which are non-dangerous masses.
Moreover, dogs can also be afflicted with tumors and cancer.
Risk factors for cancer in cats (that can affect their overall immune system):
Lack of physical exercise
Secondhand smoke
Prolonged exposure to the sun
Feline leukemia (leukosis) virus (FeLV)
Feline immunodeficiency virus (F.I.V.) also known as cat AIDS
Some breeds like Siamese cats
How Common is Cancer in Cats?
It is said that one in five cats will develop cancer in their lifetime.
Generally, older animals are at higher risk of developing feline cancer. However, in cats with viruses such as FeLV and F.I.V., can develop cancers at a young age.
Among the most common cancers in cats, we find lymphoma and mammary tumors in females. We'll go over how homeopathic medicine can be resorted to when these health concerns get in the picture.
Symptoms of Cancer in Cats
The clinical signs of a cat's cancer vary depending on the system or organ affected by the tumor.
As mentioned earlier, you might notice a lump on your pet's body, which can be easily overlooked as an ordinary skin condition or skin problem.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of signs of a tumor in cats:
Lump under the skin
Abnormal odors
Diarrhea and other digestive issues
Wounds that do not heal (even when you treat skin problems properly)
Reduced appetite, difficulty eating, or completely stopped eating
Weight loss (more prominent in dogs)
Eye problems
Cough or difficulty breathing
Fatigue, lethargy, or arthritis-like indicators (commonly seen in dogs)
Increased thirst
More frequent urination (using the litter box more often)
If your cat has any of these signs, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian.
While we advocate for the consideration of homeopathic remedies and holistic medicines (such as traditional Chinese veterinary medicine), having your pet checked by a veterinarian for a cancer diagnosis is crucial.
How Long Can a Cat Live with Cancer?
As you can imagine, there is no precise answer to this question.
We could be talking about a few weeks or a few years. Only your vet can give you a prognosis according to your kitty cat’s particular case.
The type of cancer, its stage at diagnosis, and the general health of your cat are all factors that can affect life expectancy.
Besides helping raise the chances of healing and prevent cancer recurrence, feline cancer caught early also gives you access to a wider range of treatment options.
A good diet for your pet cancer patient can be also deemed as a "remedy" for this health problem. Sometimes a home-cooked diet can do a lot of healing for your pet when he is suffering from a wellness issue.
Never hesitate to contact a holistic veterinarian when you notice the indicators—before they become acute conditions!
Most Common Types of Cancer in Cats
Cancers found in many cats are commonly classified by the system in which the uncontrolled cells develop like skin cancer, breast tumors, and bone cancers.
It is important to take note that a holistic veterinarian can comprehensively walk you through what these are and provide the feasible treatment options you can go for to support the good health of your pet.
Lymphoma is a cancer that affects the lymph cells of the cat, more specifically the lymphocytes (white blood cells) in the lymph nodes. It is the most common cancer in cats and there are different forms, depending on the organ that is affected.
It usually appears suddenly and is seen largely in older cats or those with the feline leukemia virus. The life expectancy of a cat with lymphoma is commonly between two months and two years.
Skin cancer (melanoma and malignant melanoma in cats)
Melanomas (benign or malignant) are skin tumors. They generally develop on the cat's head (eyes and ears), neck, or hind limbs. Malignant melanomas are quite rare in cats, but unfortunately, they are also aggressive. They tend to recur when removed surgically.
Bone cancer (osteosarcoma)
There are different types of bone cancer, but osteosarcoma is the most common.
This cancer is characterized by an uncontrolled multiplication of bone cells (often in the long bones) and usually causes pain, swelling, and arthritis-like lameness in pets.
Liver cancer
Liver cancer affects this organ which is involved in the digestion process. A cat with this type of cancer may have digestive symptoms such as vomiting and loss of appetite.
Not all masses in the liver of your pet are cancerous. An ultrasound and biopsy can therefore provide more information on the nature of a lump on the liver.
Bladder cancer
Fortunately, this type of tumor is very rare in cats. However, if a cat shows symptoms of a major UTI without resolution after treatment, it would be important to do additional tests (such as an ultrasound) to rule out cancer. The symptoms are very similar.
Male cats and those that are obese are more prone to developing this kind of cancer.
Stomach cancer
A tumor can develop in the stomach. There is also a type of lymphoma that affects the digestive system. In all cases, a cat with this cancer would show signs such as weight loss, vomiting (sometimes tinged with blood), and loss of appetite.
Bowel cancer
When a tumor develops in the intestines of your pet cat, he may have symptoms such as diarrhea and pain upon touching its abdomen. If the tumor becomes large, it is even possible for it to block intestinal transit, which complicates the situation.
Oral (mouth) cancer (via squamous cell carcinomas)
The most common oral cancer in felines pets is squamous cell carcinoma. It represents more than 75% of oral feline tumors.
Although theoretically a skin cancer, this type of cancer often develops in the oral cavity of the cat. It is also observed in the nose and ears. This disease is often fatal, as surgery is complicated due to its location, and its progression can interfere with the cat's ability to eat. This kind of tumor responds more or less to chemotherapy.
Indeed, the life expectancy of a cat with an oral tumor is a few months, up to one year. The malnutrition it causes leads to a decline in the health of the sick animal.
Lung cancer
Lung cancer itself is quite rare in cats. However, several other types of cancer can migrate to the lungs (metastases). All respiratory symptoms in cats (coughing, difficulty breathing), especially in older cats, should be analyzed quickly by a vet, as the situation can change very rapidly and become serious.
Pancreatic cancer
As the name suggests, pancreatic cancer attacks this organ which is involved in the digestion and production of certain hormones, such as insulin.
There are different types of pancreatic cancer, depending on the type of cells that develop uncontrollably.
Symptoms will often be digestive, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. The prognosis is generally poor, while the diagnosis is often made too late.
Pancreatic cancer can be very severe.
The life expectancy of affected cats ranges from a few weeks to a few months. The reason for this is that when this cancer is diagnosed, it is often too late and there is already metastasis throughout the body.
Breast or mammary cancer (mammary gland carcinoma)
This type of cancer is very common in cats and affects their mammary glands. 85% of these tumors are reported to be malignant. It’s a very aggressive cancer that requires surgery from the start. As in dogs, this type of cancer is more often seen in non-sterilized females, although it is possible in sterilized females.
In fact, cats spayed before the age of 6 months reduce their risk of developing breast tumors by 91%! That’s not insignificant, is it?
Leukemia (or leukosis)
Feline leukemia is technically not a cancer in cats. It’s a viral infection that causes immunodeficiency and can cause cancer, such as lymphoma.
In more severe cases, the virus can spread through the bloodstream to the bone marrow, white blood cells, and blood platelets, making it look like human leukemia.
Cats that venture outside are much more at risk of catching it, as it is a very contagious virus between cats.
Mutual grooming, sharing litter or water bowls and sneezing are some of the means of transmission, among many others.
Fibrosarcoma can appear anywhere, as it is a tumor that develops in the subcutaneous tissue and then in the muscles of the body. It does not usually cause pain on the touch. This tumor tends to grow very quickly, to the point where it can ulcerate and become necrotic.
Cats diagnosed with fibrosarcoma can live for up to 3 years with the disease. That said, if the lump is detected early and surgery is done to remove it, a cat could gain several years!
Treating Cancer in Cats Using Homeopathic Remedies
You are probably familiar with the conventional treatments that may be used by veterinarians, namely chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
But the thing is feline tumors and cancer may be dealt with using homeopathic medicine (such as the use of traditional Chinese medicine or maximizing the beneficial effects of medicinal mushrooms like in our PIPTOPET).
Even those considered as the best course of action to treat feline cancer are not 100% guaranteed! There is still no definite cure for this serious health problem.
Pets like cats and dogs deserve a gentler approach to healing and treatment during the wellness crisis like homeopathy and Chinese medicine.
Shrinking a feline tumor conventionally can affect your pet's quality of life
Conventional treatment options, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are used to shrink the size of a tumor and kill the remaining cancerous cells after the surgical removal of a lump.
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are invasive and attack both healthy and diseased cells. We suggest alternative natural products to optimize the fight against cancerous cells, without impacting the healthy cells.
As the name suggests, chemotherapy is the administration of a chemical treatment, i.e. strong drugs, either intravenously or orally. Less than a quarter of animals show side effects from this therapy, unlike in humans.
Radiotherapy, also called radiation therapy, is when radiation is targeted at a tumor to completely destroy it or reduce its size. It requires several treatments, and the animal must be anesthetized each time, as it must be completely still during treatment.
Finally, surgery is also an option to consider when it comes to the treatment of a cat cancer patient.
Nevertheless, there are less invasive natural methods of treatment for feline cancer.
Cat Cancer Natural Treatment
This medicinal mushroom Piptoporus betulinus works miracles for the immune system of our pets—and it is the main ingredient of our PIPTOPET!
It promotes your cat's defenses during its fight to get rid of cancer cells without harming healthy cells in the body.
PIPTOPET can even be used to promote your cat's immune system in the early stages of cancer and it allows your pet to maintain a good quality of life naturally even in difficult times of illness.
Check out our website for yourselves where you can read the comments of our customers satisfied with the success achieved with this product.
Here is one of their story:
“In August of 2019, our 8-year 'KittyKat' was taken to the vet. She'd lost a ton of weight, and no longer wagged her tail for anything except breakfast.
She was quickly diagnosed with some unknown type of tumor, larger than a softball, in her abdomen.
We were given little to no hope and told to take her home and spoil her until she couldn't take living any longer.
We could have had tests/surgeries/treatments done but were told that because of her breed the cancer was quite probably of a certain type, and those things "might" add an extra 6 months of life.
And really, who wants to live an extra few months while sick on Chemo? So, they prescribed her steroids to help keep her comfortable, but all they did was make her sick.
I came home from the vet and did a ton of research, decided to give Piptopet Cancer treatment a try, what have we got to lose?
Well, within the first week, I saw such a difference. She was happy and playful again.
A year and a half later, I can still feel the tumor there, and she never regained the weight, despite eating more than she used to, but she's thriving.
She has a few bad days now and then, but don't we all? She eats well, plays, enjoys walks, and belly rubs. I never thought we'd still have her around, but thanks to Zumalka and Piptopet, we've been given so much more time with our sweet girl.”
- Jenni
We invite you to read more of these touching stories here.
Hi Denise, I’m so sorry to hear that your cat is dealing with a tumor. We are glad you reached out to us and we sincerely hope that the products that were recommended by our homeopath can help your cat.
Hi my cat was recently diagnosed with a mammary tumor ,do u have anything that can help possible remove this
It’s fascinating how Persian kittens quickly learn to trust and bond with their owners. Their serene demeanor is perfect for a cozy home environment. They truly enrich our lives!
Hi Bonnie, We’re so sorry to hear that your cat is dealing with a tumor, it’s so hard when our furry friends are not feeling well! We have some remedies that we feel could help, so I have sent you an email so you can receive a free mini consultation with our homeopath. We hope to provide some relief for your cat soon!
My gorgeous 12 year old LH kitty has had a sore, now diagnosed as a tumor on his mammory gland. X-rays have now shown he has nodules and such in his lungs at least. They tell me there’s nothing they can do. He doesn’t even act sick yet. He’s been my rock and best friend since my husband passed five years ago. Is there anything you recommend that would help us?
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