How to Tell if Your Dog is Depressed... And What to Do About It

42 comments May 14, 2017by Denise Lessard

Saying goodbye to a pet is one of the most difficult moments you can have.

Then you go home to explain it to your other dog. Only he doesn’t understand what you’re saying or why the tears are streaming down your face.

Then he gets it…

You left with Minnie, but you came back alone.

Days go by. Then it’s weeks. Milo can’t be left alone for an hour without howling.

Your dog is seriously depressed.

If you’re anything like me, your dog’s wellbeing is one of the most important things in your life.

Can dogs get depressed or have depression? Yes, depression can hit your dog at any time. It doesn’t have to be the result of a devastating loss.

So what do you do when your dog is down in the dumps?

If you are wondering "Is my dog depressed?, I’m going to cover some signs to help pinpoint when your dog is depressed, but you should always trust your instincts.

No one knows your dog like you do. No one.


Dog Depression Symptoms - What Does a Depressed Dog Look Like?

In a word: Sad. Especially if you know the dog well, you may be able to tell whether your dog is depressed based on a facial expression alone. If you miss this sign and notice others, don’t worry. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad owner or out of touch with your pet. Dogs are individuals and some are more likely to show emotion than others.


What Does a Depressed Dog Do?

Here is how to tell if your dog is depressed, you will be able to see some changes in his mood, appetite, sleep, or other behavior such as hiding and paw licking.


Changes in Behavior And Mood

In order to tell if your dog is depressed, pay close attention to how he acts. Any sudden changes in behavior or mood could be a sign that there’s something wrong. But there are specific things you can look for in your dog’s behavior that almost definitely indicate depression. And if it’s not depression, it’s still a problem that must be addressed.

You can be especially sure that there’s a problem if your dog is showing three or more of these signs.

Appetite changes 

A depressed dog may stop eating or eat like her life depended on it. It all depends on the dog. Again, in this situation, it’s always best to look for sudden and/or extreme changes in appetite.


Sleeping often

The average adult dog sleeps about 12 to 14 hours in a 24-hour day. Puppies sleep 18 to 20 hours, so it would be difficult to notice an increase here. However, if your adult dog starts sleeping like a puppy, he may be depressed.

Paw licking

That incessant licking may be a sign that your dog is down in the dumps. Keep in mind that there are also physiological reasons for your dog to chomp at her paws too, including bacterial infections, eczema, joint pain and dry skin. However, if your dog is licking at his paws and exhibiting other signs on this list, it may be due to depression.


If your dog never seems to be around the family anymore, this may be a sign of depression. Dogs are pack animals, so family is important. When they retreat and begin spending more time alone, it is never a good sign.



Why Do Dogs Get Depressed?

Dog personalities are as individual as human personalities, so their reasons for feeling upset or depressed may vary. But dogs can get de depressed. However, there are some common triggers that may or may not lead to depression in your dog. If your dog is dealing with any of these changes and exhibiting the signs listed above, depression is the likely culprit. Here is some causes of dog depression and why your dog look sad these days.

A physical move

Like so many of us, dogs are creatures of habit. Even if you move to a bigger house with an even bigger yard, your dog may long for her old bone hiding places. If this is the cause of your dog’s depression, you should take comfort in knowing that it’s not likely to last long.

Loss of a loved one

Dogs can grieve just like the rest of us. If a dog’s owner or a close companion pet passes away, you may notice signs of depression in your dog. But if you don’t see these signs after a major loss, don’t worry. Not all dogs grieve in the same way. One dog may roam the house crying while another may give you more doggie kisses to help you feel better.

New family member

If you bring home a new spouse, roommate or baby, you may notice a change in your pooch. Your pup may be jealous of the time you spend with this new person and become withdrawn. This type of depression should be temporary as your dog forms a relationship with this new person.

New pet

Just like when you bring home a new family member, bringing home a four-legged family member can have an impact on your dog’s mood. Your pup may get depressed about any time you spend with the new pet. In this situation, again, it may be temporary. Your dog will likely form a relationship with the new pet and this will improve his mood.

Change in your schedule

Accepting a job with drastically different hours can affect more than just your sleep. Going from the day shift to the night shift also means that your dog won’t get her regular 6 a.m. walk. Even if she’s still going out at the same regular intervals, timing shifts mean new and new friends. The same exact route at a drastically different time can mean big change for a dog!

New Ownership or Temporary Home

There are those tragic moments when pet parents have to find new homes for their furry kids. And there are times when it’s only a temporary situation, like vacation. The thing is, your dog doesn’t know the difference. If you leave your pooch for an hour, five days or forever, it feels the same in the moment. Your dog is likely to become withdrawn in his new environment until he gets more comfortable or you return.


Your Own Depression

This last one doesn’t even occur to many pet owners, but dogs can feel our pain. They are actually empathetic beings. Dogs pick up on our sadness and depression and may mimic our sentiment. A joint Sao Paulo and Lincoln University found that most dogs were able to match a person’s tone of voice with the mood displayed in their picture. They know what it looks like when we’re angry, sad or happy – and they’ll change their mood to suit ours.


What to Do When There’s a Problem

If you’ve been nodding your head along to the list of symptoms above, you may be surprised to learn that it’s not time to diagnose your dog’s depression yet. Here is where we come to a fork in the road…

Because our dogs can’t tell us what’s wrong, the symptoms you’re seeing could be from depression or a physical problem.

So what do you do about it?

After identifying a problem, some pet owners jump into action taking measures to alleviate things that may be causing depression.

Others will first rule out any health issues that could be causing similar symptoms.

The path you choose is a personal one and will depend on your gut feeling. If you’re sure your dog is depressed because someone just passed away or you brought a new baby into the home, it’s a safe assumption.

However, if the cause of depression-like symptoms isn’t as obvious, a physical ailment may be more likely.


What to Do When Your Dog’s Symptoms Aren’t Really Depression

There are a few things you can do if you think your dog’s symptoms may be the result of a physical ailment.

One option is to take your dog to the veterinarian for a checkup. Your vet will do a thorough examination and take your dog’s vital signs. From here, he or she should be able to give you some indication of whether your dog may be dealing with a physical issue.

Another option is to take the natural route.

We’ll cover the specifics on how to treat your dog’s depression naturally soon, but homeopathic remedies, tonics and probiotics can also work to bring your pet back to an overall state of wellness.

Give us a call to discuss your pet’s condition and we will recommend a treatment plan that addresses his or her specific condition.


How to Comfort a Depressed Dog

For the first time ever, you walk through the front door after a long day of work and your dog doesn’t greet you. Your heart sinks.

Could she be hurt? Or worse?

No, that’s right. She’s still depressed.

You thought it would pass, but it’s only getting worse. You know this isn’t going away on its own, but what do you do?

Anyone who has ever had a depressed dog has struggled with this question.

Fortunately, there are good answers. Although they do have emotions, dogs are not complicated beings. Their needs are simple, and it’s usually not too difficult to turn their mood around. Usually.

Try one or all of these four things to help your depressed dog feel better.


Increase Cuddle Time

You don’t have to be a canine behavioral therapist to know that your dog craves your attention. If possible, give your dog more positive feedback and relaxed cuddle time.

But whatever you do, don’t overdo it! Your dog needs space too.

Dogs are cursorial animals. This is a fancy term to say, “baby, they are born to run!” The feeling of being held down can cause anxiety, which is the exact opposite of your desired reaction. A hug may make you feel better, but it will surely make your dog feel worse.

A few pats on the head and scratches behind the ear will go a long way.


Up the Entertainment Value

When you’re feeling down, it may help to get your endorphins up by going for a jog or a bike ride. The same holds true for your dog – he just can’t reach the peddles.

A Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science study found that dogs who played games with their owners were less likely to experience separation anxiety than those who didn’t. The study suggests that playing with your dog may increase your bond, which can help your dog through a difficult time. It’s the closest thing you’re going to get to a heart-to-heart with your pooch.


Rock Out to Some Reggae

Good news… information from the Scottish SPCA indicates that dogs may really like music! Results from a study found that dogs respond differently when exposed to certain types of music. Their responses indicate that dogs taste in music may vary as much as ours, but they seem more likely to enjoy reggae and soft rock over other types of music. So throw on some Bob Marley and spend some quality time rocking out with your pooch.


Fill the Void

If your dog is depressed about losing a companion animal, you may be able to help fill the void by getting another companion animal. Of course, you should only do this if it makes sense for your personal situation. And a companion animal will never replace the one you lost, not even for your dog. However, it may provide a distraction, and eventually, a new bond that can help make your dog feel better.



Is there a  treatment for dog depression of home remedies?

Online Homeopathic Consultation for Dog Depression


Our Online Homeopathic Consultation is just what you need if you want to take care of your dog's seizures naturally.


Zumalka provides a personalized solution to target the root of your pet's problem, instead of just the symptoms. And all of this done in the comfort of your own home!


Instead of struggling through in-person appointments and waiting rooms, our consultations are 100% online via email and video call.


It's a real conversation with a real Homeopath about your pet — without all the hassle and miscommunication.


Prescription Medications for Dog Depression

Some people prefer to go the traditional treatment route and opt for prescription medication for dog depression. Studies have shown that the following medications are relatively safe and effective, but be aware that they may have unwanted side effects.


Vets will often prescribe this medication to treat anxiety in pets. It works by adjusting serotonin and norepinephrine levels in an effort to restore balance.

Common side effects: Drowsiness, dry mouth, decreased urination, increased heart rate, constipation, vomiting and hyperexcitability.



Doxepin is used to treat depression, certain phobias and OCD behavior in dogs and other pets. It can also be used as an antihistamine to treat allergies.

Common side effects: Drowsiness, lack of energy, vomiting and hyperexcitability.



Your vet may prescribe fluoxetine to treat depression, OCD or panic disorders. This is a generic alternative to Prozac.

Common side effects: Sedation, anorexia, GI upset, anxiety, irritability, hyperactivity and insomnia


Getting a Depressed Dog Happy

Turning your dog’s mood around isn’t always as easy as waving the ball around, but with a little investigation and time, you can treat your pet’s depression.

This time for you and your dog is a season in life. Once you solve the underlying issues, you can get back to those sunshiney days of worry-free romping around the park.



About the author

Denise Lessard
Denise Lessard


Denyse Lessard is deemed as the “mother” of Zumalka, which was established more than ten years ago to provide easily accessible natural products for pet wellness worldwide.

Besides being a trained alternative medicine therapist, Denyse also has expertise in homeopathy, naturopathy and iridology, reflexology, as well as Chinese medicine. She is a long-standing member of the Professional Union of Homeopaths of Quebec, as well as the Association of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Quebec.

Denyse’s philosophy as regards pet wellness is not just about only dealing with disease and illness when they get in the picture, but keeping animals in ideal health each and every day.

Find out more about Denyse when you click HERE.


  • Alex April 26, 2019 at 9:55 am

    Hello Ginamarie,

    I am Alex from HomeoAnimal. I will trasnfert your comment to one of or health advisor. They will be glad to help you and your dog ;)

  • Ginamarie April 26, 2019 at 9:53 am

    Same symptoms as Donna on March 29,2019. Any follow up from Donna???

  • Gabriel March 29, 2019 at 2:53 pm

    Great explanation

  • Donna March 29, 2019 at 2:59 pm

    my 11 year old dog lost his older brother about 6 months ago. now my dog is totally different. he sleeps alot, drinks alot of water, pees alot, wont play, doesnt get excited about going for walks, not really excited when i come home and im retired so i home most of the time. doesnt wag his tail much. pulls away from my affection alot. ears are back alot. eyes look sad. hides under covers. excessive hunger. begging when i eat and hes never done this. hes been to the vet and had so many test done for his health and there all normal. help ive tried everything. changing his feeding scheduale, changing his bed location, taking him in the car for rides to park and pet store. giving more affection. bought new toys. hes getting worse every day. wont play at all. i live with my mom for 7 years and shes got a chihuah female thats home with him but theres not a bond between them. ive had my dog since he was 5 weeks old. the dog that had to be put asleep was 15 and that dog raised him. they did everything together. my dog slept on top of him all the time. i dont know what to do. my heart aches for hi. he was ok for a little while then he had to have a tooth extracted and then he got sick from the after care. things started going down hill from there. i dont want to give him meds as hes extremely sensitive to them. most of them cause him to have vomiting and diarreah. please please help. ive heard of dogs getting so sick from the depression they die. he also is afraid of every little noise now like if i drop something on the floor and its not even that loud. i miss his happy go lucky, goofy , jumping up on me, talking to me personality and playing with me.

  • Shannon March 29, 2019 at 3:21 pm

    Symptoms are sleeping all the time not really eating and rapid weight loss

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