The Best Foods & Supplements For These 10 Common Pet Health Issues

Suzie Cyrenne
Authored by Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie is a Certified Homeopath and Co-Founder of Zumalka
, specializing in natural and holistic remedies for pets.


As a loving pet parent, you want to keep your four-legged family member as healthy and happy as possible. And while it’s often said that prevention is the best “cure,” some things are simply unavoidable. If there’s ever a time that your furry friend gets diagnosed with a disease or health condition, your next priority is to help him stay comfortable and recover as best as he can.

Although medical procedures are sometimes necessary, a nutritious diet and natural supplements can help support treatment, and most of all, can provide powerful preventative care. We asked dozens of pet health professionals from around the world to share the foods and supplements they recommend to their clients, and compiled their expertise in this handy guide. While it is by no means exhaustive, it’s a great place to start your research, whether you want to learn more about preventative care or how to support the recovery of a specific condition.

Ahead, check out the best dog and cat food and supplements to treat 10 common pet health issues. As always, be sure to consult with your vet or veterinary nutritionist before adding new foods, herbs, or supplements to your companion’s diet.



1. Allergies & Food Sensitivities

Symptoms from food allergies are some of the most common issues pet professionals see, with skin irritation, chronic ear infections, and itchiness topping the list.

Believe it or not, allergies can develop any time, so a food you’ve been feeding your furry friend for years can suddenly start causing a reaction. Luckily, once the offending food is identified, eliminating it from the diet is usually all it takes to alleviate symptoms. (Check out our article on identifying and relieving food allergies in pets.)

Grain-Free Kibble

Many pet parents opt for grain-free or vet-recommended pet food for allergies, intolerances, or sensitive stomachs. Wheat is among the most common triggers for these types of symptoms for two reasons: one, many pets are, in fact, allergic; two, some cheap dog and cat food brands use wheat that’s so low-quality, it’s not even safe for human consumption. This wheat is often filled with contaminants, which may be what’s really causing those adverse effects.

Food Without Common Allergens

It’s common sense to refrain from feeding your pup or kitty something he’s allergic to, but the types of foods most likely to cause a reaction may surprise you. Chicken, pork, fish, and beef are all among the most common allergens, along with eggs, soy, dairy, corn, potato, and of course, wheat.

“For allergies in dogs, start with a kibble that is grain free [and] has no potato, chicken, or egg products,” suggests Becky Mobley of Wild Kingdom Pet Supplies in Texas. “Give it two weeks, and if that doesn't help the issue, seek a nutritionist or veterinarian.” If your companion is having a reaction to a common pet food ingredient, the best dog or cat food may be a specialty formula that uses alternative protein or carbohydrate sources, such as duck, venison, peas, or rice.



2. Digestive System

We all feel under the weather from time to time, whether we catch a bug or eat something that disagrees with us. Our pets are no different, and the best way to keep them in tip-top shape is by helping them maintain a nutritious diet.

However, diarrhea and tummy aches still occur on occasion -- especially for pets with sensitive stomachs -- and when that happens, it’s good to know how to help your pal feel better.


Pumpkin is a very healthy treat for dogs. It’s important to note that we’re referring to plain pureed pumpkin (either fresh or from a can), not the pie filler that’s full of sugar and spices. This vegetable is a common go-to remedy for occasional diarrhea or an upset tummy. It is also a great source of fiber and helps pets with mild constipation and even provides relief for anal gland issues.

George Craft of GGC Healthy Paws, which sells natural treats and is based in New Jersey, adds that he recommends “pumpkin puree for loose stools; it settles the enzymes in the digestive tract.”


Like with humans, probiotics help populate the healthy flora in your pet’s digestive tract. Giving your pet a regular probiotic supplement can help him maintain optimum digestive health, particularly if he tends to have a sensitive stomach. Probiotics are also a wonderful immune system booster (more below).

Homemade meals

If your four-legged friend is dealing with a bout of diarrhea or has an upset stomach, try giving his tummy a rest by preparing delicious and easy-to-digest meals for a day or two.

Amy Paschka, owner of Blue Ribbon Kennels in Minnesota, advises feeding your pet this sensitive stomach pet food: “rice and / or quinoa, mixed with boiled, cut up chicken, hamburger, or cooked eggs. [Add] slippery elm for loose stools and upset tummy,” she explains. Paschka says that a bit of ginger root can help too. One more piece of advice: “If your dog isn't eating and has loose stools, let [his] digestive tract rest for 24 hours before introducing the food suggested. Always be sure [he is] drinking water.”

Note that this is not an optimal long-term diet, as your dog or cat may eventually develop nutrient deficiencies. If diarrhea or upset stomach persists more than a few days, consult with your vet to see if there’s another underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

Slippery Elm

As mentioned, this herb can help ease stomach irritation as well as reduce inflammation. It’s known as an all-around digestive system soother, and can help pets suffering from either diarrhea or constipation. To err on the side of caution, consult with your vet or veterinary nutritionist for proper usage and dosage before giving it to your pal.


Ginger is known for its anti-nausea and digestion-enhancing properties. Try adding a bit of fresh ginger root to your companion’s meal when he’s feeling under the weather. (It’s good for pets who suffer from car sickness, too.)



3. Weight Management

Obesity is one of the biggest ailments plaguing dogs and cats, and aside from stress on joints and decreased mobility, it can lead to a host of other diseases. It’s important to keep your companion’s weight in check with a healthy, balanced diet, and if you have an overweight cat or dog, there lots of fresh foods that can help him lose a few pounds.


As mentioned, plain pureed pumpkin is a wonderful treat to give your four-legged friend, and turns out, it’s also one of the best foods for weight loss and management. That’s because it’s low calorie and packed with fiber, which will help keep his tummy full.

Fresh Produce

Another great weight management trick is to replace high-calorie treats with fresh or frozen veggies, and even some fruits. (Just make sure the produce is pet-safe!) Snacks like carrot sticks, green beans, cucumber slices, blueberries, and pieces of apple are full of vitamins, fiber, and of course, low in calories.



4. Skin & Coat Health

Nutrient deficiencies, as well as food or environmental allergies, often affect your pet’s skin and coat. If you notice that your cat or dog has dry skin that’s flaky or itchy, or his coat is dull, consider whether an allergy or intolerance may be causing it. Consult with your vet, and ask if he or she recommends adding some omegas or coconut oil to your companion’s diet.

Omega Fatty Acids

Omega fatty acids are an essential nutrient that’s often used as a remedy for pets with itchy, flaky skin or dull, dry coats.

“Try salmon or a fish protein source if your dog has dry sensitive skin,” says Jordan Wright of Omni Feed and Supply in Ohio. Salmon is particularly rich in omega-3s, as is tuna; just remember, the fresh, wild-caught stuff is best. You can also give your pup or kitty a supplement containing omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids.

Coconut Oil

This tropical oil has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, plus it’s full of “healthy” fats that can help with digestion and nourish the skin and coat. Just remember, as with everything, moderation is key. Despite its benefits, it’s still high in calories and should only be eaten in small amounts.



5. Joint Health

Our pets’ joints deteriorate as they age, and they can get stiff and even cause pain. If you have a senior pooch or kitty, or your pet has arthritis or another joint issue, consider adding a joint-supporting supplement to his diet.


This naturally-occurring substance is what your pet’s body uses to build cartilage, so it’s a common remedy for pets suffering from arthritis or otherwise stiff or painful joints. “In my experience, I get a lot of dogs with joint problems,” explains Carlos Deleon of Pet Wants San Antonio, a natural pet food company in Texas. “For that, we always recommend chicken or duck feet, a great source of glucosamine.”

Raw feeders can also add ingredients like trachea, ox or pig tails to their pets’ dishes, or you can make homemade bone broth that, if done properly, will be naturally rich in glucosamine. Of course, the easiest thing to do is get your pal a glucosamine supplement. As long as it’s high-quality, it should provide the same benefits.


This bright yellow spice has been touted for its health benefits for a number of reasons. It can be especially helpful for joint health because it’s been known to reduce pain as well as inflammation within the body.

Of course, fresh turmeric (its natural form is a root) is going to be much more effective and potent than the dried spice.



6. Immune System Health

The immune system is at the root of many health issues, so it’s important to keep it strong and healthy. If your pet is recovering from a sickness or round of antibiotics, it’s especially important to replenish the healthy bacteria that helps fight off disease.


A probiotic supplement containing beneficial flora is one of the best pet supplements out there. As mentioned above, it will help repopulate the healthy microorganisms in your pet’s body while protecting it from the harmful ones.

The majority of your dog’s immune system is in his gut. Therefore, a strong digestive system equals a strong immune system that’s capable of fighting off the bad stuff!



7. Urinary Tract Health

If you’ve ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI), bladder stones, or any other related issue, you know they can be very painful. The same is true for our pets. Cats, in particular, are prone to issues in this region, and while there’s no guarantee, you can often prevent these uncomfortable conditions by making a few dietary changes.


Yes, we’re mentioning probiotics again! This digestive and immune system supplement can also be useful in case of urinary tract infections, which are caused by -- you guessed it -- harmful bacteria.

Wet Food Diet

Proper hydration is key to maintaining urinary tract health, so a diet that at least includes wet food -- again, particularly for cats -- can help pets avoid UTIs, bladder stones, and the like.


Again, it’s imperative to keep your pet hydrated to help prevent these issues, as well as others.

Since kitties tend to be especially particular about drinking water, do whatever you can to encourage yours to drink. Always provide your purring pal with fresh, cool water, and make sure to find a bowl that he likes (often, shallow, wide bowls, where his whiskers won’t touch the sides, are preferred). Consider investing in a cat drinking fountain if necessary, and if Kitty likes taking sips from the sink or faucet, go ahead and let him (as long as it’s safe).



8. Oral Hygiene

Humans aren’t the only ones who need to keep their oral hygiene in check. Our pets can develop many mouth problems that become excruciatingly painful, and if left untreated, can even be deadly. That’s why it’s important to maintain a teeth-cleaning routine with your furry pal.

Raw Bones

Raw feeders are probably already aware that raw meaty bones (RMBs) are an essential part of your dog or cat’s balanced raw diet. These edible bones are not only digestible, they help clean your pet’s teeth as he chews. Common examples of RMBs include chicken wings, poultry necks, tails, and feet.

One very important thing to note is that you should never, ever give your pet a cooked bone. These can splinter as they’re chewed, creating dangerously sharp edges or posing a serious choking hazard if swallowed.

Coconut Oil

In addition to being a healthy supplement, coconut oil can be used as an all-natural toothpaste. With antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, it can help clean teeth and freshen breath.



9. Vision & Eye Health

Although pets can live long, fulfilling lives without their vision, you probably want to keep this sense sharp if they still have it. There are many types of produce that help support our furry friends’ sight (as well as ours!).


These antioxidant-packed berries have many benefits for our pets, and that includes supporting eye health. Carlos Deleon of Pet Wants San Antonio explains that he sees a lot of dogs with excessive eye tearing, and always recommends blueberries as a remedy. In fact, he calls the berries “a miracle fruit.”

Better yet, blueberries help with other eye functions too. They support vision, particularly night vision, and keep the eyes healthy and strong.

Fresh Veggies

A handful of other veggies have nutrients that can help strengthen sight too, including broccoli, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes.



10. Inflammation & Cancer

As a pet parent, one of your biggest fears is probably hearing that your beloved dog or cat has cancer. Along with a nutritious, vitamin and antioxidant-rich diet, CBD oil and turmeric can assist in reducing inflammation and may even help kill cancer cells. (Read 10 Warning Signs Your Pet Has Cancer for your best chance at an early diagnosis.)


CBD oil -- which is not psychoactive, so it won’t produce a “high,” like THC -- is said to have a host of physical and mental benefits for our pets. It can reduce inflammation within the body, and perhaps more amazingly, is thought to help kill cancer cells and stop the growth of tumors.

As a side note, this plant-based oil has also been effective in treating epilepsy and helping ease anxiety in our four-legged friends.


Once again, we have to mention this exotic spice. Along with the ability to reduce inflammation, turmeric can help prevent cancer, or assist in killing cancerous cells that are already present.

Now that you know what types of foods and supplements can help prevent, remedy, or support the healing of certain issues, there are probably lots of questions going through your mind: “Should I change my dog or cat’s diet?” “Is homemade food better than store-bought food?” and of course, “Where do I start?” If this sounds like you, stay tuned!

Since every animal has different nutritional needs, it’s imperative to do your research and seek guidance from a veterinary professional when it comes to the best diet for your dog or cat. But at the end of the day, the decision is yours, and the team at Zumalka by HomeoAnimal wants to help you make the best choices possible.

The next article in our pet nutrition series weighs the pros and cons of feeding your companion home cooked meals versus store-bought food. And if you haven’t already, be sure to check out The Biggest Feeding Mistakes Pet Owners Make and Health Issues Caused By Feeding Your Dog Or Cat The Wrong Diet for more expert advice. After all, the more you know about pet nutrition, the more you can help your beloved furry friend!




About the author

Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie Cyrenne


Suzie Cyrenne has dedicated more than 20 years of her life in making and improving natural animal health solutions in the global setting.

Being the co-founder of Zumalka, Suzie is a forerunner in enhancing the lives of pets through natural and homeopathic options using the knowledge she has gained from the Classical Homeopathy School in Quebec.

Through the guidance of her mother-in-law and fellow natural health expert, Denyse Lessard, Suzie constantly devotes herself to create premium pet products that are aimed at dealing with the root causes of wellness problems and not just their symptoms.

Besides immersing herself in books, personal development and visiting new places, Suzie also enjoys keeping herself in tiptop shape by snowboarding and taking daily hikes with her husband and Zumalka co-founder, Matt Lessard, and their Golden-Doodle, Westin.

Find out more about Suzie when you click HERE.


  • Alex - HomeoAnimal April 18, 2019 at 12:28 pm

    Hello J. Smith
    This is Alex from HomeoAnimal.
    I just transferred your question to our Animal Health Advisor team.
    They will contact you shortly ;)

  • J. Smith April 18, 2019 at 12:23 pm

    My 10 yo corgi has red inflammed painful gums, how can I help him?

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