Do Cat Ear Infection Home Remedies Really Work?

Suzie Cyrenne
Authored by Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie is a Certified Homeopath and Co-Founder of Zumalka
, specializing in natural and holistic remedies for pets.

So you’re watching television, relaxing from a long day’s work and your kitty comes over
for love and rubs on you as usual...

You take a look and realize your baby has an ear infection.

Believe it or not, you don't have to get your hands on antibiotics immediately for this issue to be treated!

In this blog post, we will be talking about the best natural option you can go for when it comes to feline ear infections.

Let’s start things off by going over the indicators of a cat's ear infection…


Symptoms of Ear Infections in Cats

Ear mites can cause infected ears in cats.

The most prominent sign that your cat has an ear infection is the frequent scratching of the ears. Your kitty may also tilt his head down or to the side to relieve the discomfort he’s feeling.

Pet parents, you will also smell a stinky odor coming from the infected ear, which is usually accompanied by visible tenderness and irritation, as well as fluid build-up and discharge. This is quite common among chronic ear infections.

Other symptoms of a cat bacterial infection also include trouble balancing, lots of head shaking and scratching, plus bouts of disorientation.

These clinical signs can be usually observed in otitis externa (infection of the outer ear) and otitis media (infection of the middle ear).

Cats will show signs of ear infections

While there are lots of possible factors that could trigger the onset of ear infections in cats, one of the most overlooked reasons is improper ear cleaning. Doing it the wrong way can severely irritate not just just the ear flap, but also the ear canal as well as the inner ear.

This is the reason why being very familiar with the basics of preventing ear infections in cats is a must aside from just knowing the right treatment.

However, it is always crucial to get in touch with a veterinarian when the irritation or infections of the cat's ears are persistent or have become noticeably serious. Professional treatment from a vet is already required in these cases.


A Few Useful Tips on Cleaning Your Cat’s Ears

Naturally get rid of unwanted ear odor and scratching in cats.

Keeping your kitty’s ears clean isn’t complicated at all.

All you need is a towel, two clean pieces of cloth, some cotton balls, a bit of water, and an ear cleaning solution (or ear drops). Choose one that’s made from natural ingredients, though. And don’t forget a treat for your cat, too.

Here are the steps to follow:

Be extra careful with your cat's ear canal.

Begin by spreading the towel on a clean even surface and place your cat on it in a comfortable lying position with head exposed. Make sure you can move both hands freely.

Gently pull back the ear flap to access the ear canal. Keep an eye out for any signs of pain from your cat when you do this.

A cat's outer ears are usually the easiest targets for ear infections, not to mention ear mites, unwanted foreign material, allergies, as well as bad fungi like yeast. These can eventually end up in the ear canal if not properly dealt with immediately.

Moisten a clean piece of cloth or cotton ball with water and wipe off any external dirt grime and other debris that you can find.

While it is important to be meticulous during this part, remember not to get in too deep with the piece of cloth, since you may irritate or even damage your kitty’s eardrum.

Never use cotton buds for this step for the same reason, too. A circular motion with the cloth or a cotton ball will do the trick.

Take note of possible cat ear infections and other issues like parasites.

It’s also crucial to keep an eye out for ear mites and other unwanted visitors that may be lurking in the folds of your kitty’s ears. This is because they can block the ear medication you’re applying.

Next, gently squeeze the ear cleaning solution into your cat’s ear. You’ll know you put enough when some of it spills out already. Make sure you don’t let the tip of the ear cleaning solution bottle touch the ear while doing this to avoid contaminating the remedy you’re using.

A simple trick to loosen ear canal waxy buildup.

Wrap your pointing finger around the other clean piece of cloth and gently massage the ear. This is to loosen the pieces of debris that are inside the ear.

Do this for about a minute or so to allow the remedy to get into the nooks and crannies of the ears, and then let your cat shake his head. Collect the debris using the cotton balls.

And then you can repeat the process for the other ear. When you’ve finished with both ears, congratulate your kitty for a job well done. Don’t forget to give him a treat so he’ll think of this activity as something positive.


Is Ear Cleaning Helpful for Your Cat During Infection?

Cat allergies and ear mites may cause infections in your pets ears, too!

The short answer is absolutely! Cleaning your cat’s ears during a feline ear infection serves two very important purposes. First, it helps start and support the healing process by getting rid of the bacteria and other pathogens that are causing the ear infection.

It also helps ensure that the problem won’t progress to a chronic infection of the ear of your kitty before you know it.

Second, the ear cleaning solution also acts as a barrier against germs and bacteria so they won’t be causing cat ear infections anytime soon. But if we’re being honest, here’s the thing about conventional ear cleaning solutions that you are probably not aware of…

See, while conventional ear cleaning solutions are formulated to remove germs and bacteria to either prevent or stop cat ear infections, they are usually composed of alcohol and other chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide.

You must know the exact type of ear cleaning solution to use on your kitty since going for the wrong one can lead to issues like allergies in the ear canal, hearing problems, disorientation, balance difficulties, and even permanent deafness.

This is the biggest reason why you should choose a natural ear cleaning solution that has a gentle holistic touch rather than a chemical-based option.


Are There Home Remedies for Cat Ear Infection?

Yes, there are premium natural options that you can go for when it comes to treating ear infections!

Our EAR CARE - ADVANCED KIT features a lineup of completely natural and high-quality products that are not only designed to keep your cat’s ears in great shape but also promote and support his overall immune system health.

Besides the straightforward administration, the products in our kit do not contain any harsh chemicals at all. This means your cat won’t be in for any adverse side effects sooner or later.


Why Getting in touch with a Pet Homeopathy Profession is a Must

Reaching out to a professional isn’t just an option when your cat is already sick.

It’s important to have one to walk you through the natural means you can include in your home cat care checklist as early as now to help your kitty become more resilient against health issues.

And getting in touch with a homeopathy professional isn’t tricky at all. All you need to do is schedule an online consultation at any time and you’ll be connected with one shortly.


About the author

Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie Cyrenne


Suzie Cyrenne has dedicated more than 20 years of her life in making and improving natural animal health solutions in the global setting.

Being the co-founder of Zumalka, Suzie is a forerunner in enhancing the lives of pets through natural and homeopathic options using the knowledge she has gained from the Classical Homeopathy School in Quebec.

Through the guidance of her mother-in-law and fellow natural health expert, Denyse Lessard, Suzie constantly devotes herself to create premium pet products that are aimed at dealing with the root causes of wellness problems and not just their symptoms.

Besides immersing herself in books, personal development and visiting new places, Suzie also enjoys keeping herself in tiptop shape by snowboarding and taking daily hikes with her husband and Zumalka co-founder, Matt Lessard, and their Golden-Doodle, Westin.

Find out more about Suzie when you click HERE.

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